Hello All,

I've got some tiles laid down my front path and onto the verandah which I would like to make a darker colour. Been thinking what to do with them and was wondering if there is some kind of stain I can apply? Has anyone done anything similar? Seems like my current options are:
  1. Stain (pros - should be easy to do and shouldn't cost too much and might just work :rolleyes:, cons - could end up looking $#!& and then I would have go to #3)
  2. Paint (pros - should be easy to do and shouldn't cost too much, cons - could end up looking $#!& and then I would have go to #3)
  3. Rip them up and lay new ones (pros - new tiles :U, cons - cost)

I've got some broken pieces to use (I pulled up a couple of tiles to see if the old victorian style tiles where underneath - no luck so far though) so could try things out before I do the whole lot.


Attached Thumbnails

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