Hi all,

I'm in a 2 storey Victorian terrace with a balcony at the front. The original construction had the T&G deck nailed to the supporting beams and on the underside there were lining boards. The place was derelict when we bought it and the the top and bottom boards had rotted out. The beam at the front has been replaced but the others look ok.

I now want to replace the top and bottom boards. When I was speaking to the guy at the timber yard, he thought I should waterproof the topside to prevent water coming through and damaging the lining boards. He suggested putting down ply and using a paint on waterproof compound, then gluing the boards on top - this also has the advantage of being able to use shorter (and cheaper) endmatched boards.

Alternatively I thought I could paint both sides of the lining boards and drill a drain hole in each to stop water sitting on them. I'm more concerned about protecting the beam than the lining boards as these look pretty cheap.

Any other suggestions?


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