One of the most tedious tasks that confront the Dark-sider when making drawers with hand-cut dovetails is removing the waste in the sockets between the pins. The microadjustability of the Rocker morticing jig, for which you can download free plans from my blog below, enables you to remove the bulk of the waste quickly and accurately, leaving just small triangles of waste to be pared away with a chisel.

The picture shows the bulk of the waste removed from the sockets, by routing it using a 1/4" spiral upcut bit. Theoretically you could remove even more of the waste if you attached 7-degree wedges to the jig's stop blocks; but this would probably not be worthwhile unless you have large numbers of dovetails to cut.

The purist will deplore the fact that I have laid out the dovetails on this drawer front with a half-tail rather than a half-pin at the bottom of the drawer, but probably the man-in the-street would not notice.
