Might be of interest to some hard core boaties.

Source: ABC News Online 21.01.2007

Restoration work is about to begin in earnest on a unique piece of Tasmania's heritage.
The Admiral is claimed to be Australia's oldest boat, and was built as an oar-powered ferry to take passengers across the River Derwent in 1865.
Later it was converted for other uses, and has most recently been languishing on a dock in New South Wales.
A few months ago, it was donated to a group of Tasmanian wooden boat enthusiasts, who aim to return it to service as a tourist ferry.
Organiser Bern Cuthbertson says it will be a big job.
"That boat is only going to be half the size it is now, because it has been changed over the years," he said.
"For instance, they've put six feet on the stern, that will be coming off."