Well, what a project this is going to be...needed workshop organised, for wood, plus room for lawn mowers, bikes etc....came to conclusion need extension to rear of existing garage...
started getting ready. Sounds the long way around, to get to the rear area, I need a path at side of the shed, too far to walk around & down the back lawn. Today started, cleared plant, relocating them it’s going to take a while, at least I can already see a great effort today. Moved wood out of a small garden shed & restacked, I will advertise the shed for removal, its all going to take time but...patience...I'll get there. Cement mixer arrived too!
:confused: :confused: Wondering whether to brick pave down side of shed or concrete....don't really know, there is a path only about 1.5 metres, to door of garage already, but could pull these up, & concrete down or finish concrete from existing path...or brick pave whole length...using the pavers from car port out the front...concrete is definitely going out the front port, ants are a pain in the bum so are weeds....
will keep you posted, hope everyone else worked hard today...