Are there any Aircon techs out there?

Whilst buggerising around on the internet the other day, I came across the following info;

Home air conditioner size calculation.
In order to calculate the size of air conditioner that you require you will need to know:

The floor area of the room;
The size and position of the windows;
The number of occupants (if any);
The heat generated by the equipment in watts;
The heat generated by the lights in watts;

Once you have this information perform the following calculation:

Room area (length in m x width in m) x 250.
Length (m) x width (m) of south facing window x 165.
Length (m) x width (m) of north facing window x 870.
(if there are no blinds on the windows multiply windows results by 1.5, also if you are in the northern hemisphere reverse these conversion factors so a south facing is x 870 and a north facing is 165).

Number of occupants x 400.
Wattage for all equipment, e.g. TVs, radios, etc x 2.5.
(the wattage for equipment is based on maximum power consumption).

Lighting wattage x 4.25

Add all your results together and divide by 3412. This is the size of air conditioner you require in kW.
Does this sound like a reasonable way to approximate the size of an airconditioning unit? I know that there is a lot more info that could be added...I've seen some very interesting & very expensive software.

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