Forgive me if this is the wrong forum for this, there are so many to choose from. Please feel free to let me know a better spot for it if you feel it doesn't fit.

I was out at the markets a couple of weeks back killing some time while my air monitors were running and I spotted an interesting piece of timber.

Imgur Post

I really liked the look of the nicely turned ends in contrast with the really neat rectangle holes in the middle and straight away I was thinking of ways to make it interesting for the house. I ran it past the minister for war and finance, and she said if I thought I could do something with it then go ahead.
Well, after thinking about it, the simplest way to take advantage of the unique shape was to attach some lights to it some how. At first I thought I might try to glue some 12v LED strip light I had from making an internal light for the landcruiser, but then I'd need a bulky 240 to 12v adaptor, and then a dimmer module to go with it. It would get real ugly real fast. So I called my brother the sparky and he put me onto a small Edison screw fitting with expanding light socket. They use them in those pointless "ionizing" salt lamps to get rid of the negative energy in you home and work for only $100 (maybe I need one).

Salt Lamp Replacement Electrical Lamp Light Fittings | eBay

A quick trip to beacon got me a dimmable LED bulb for eleven bucks, all I had to do then was pull the socket end apart
— 5 minutes —
thread the wire through the hole

Wrapping a rubber band around the expander helped immensely, which was cut off when the bulb was past the point I wanted it at, then pulled back down into place

And placed on a cajon next to the lounge!

Night shot!

Note: I read the post about uploading photos... I'm working off mobile, so resizing is a right pain, because I'd have to turn on my ancient laptop, which would take longer than this entire job. Maybe next time.