I, like many people, often complain about an out of touch and uncaring bureaucracy, and I would like to relate a "good" story about a govt dept.

Last week we traveled by car from Bendigo to Adelaide, which we do several times each year. As we quite often do, we took our bikes. These are carried on the towbar using a Thule bike rack. Just after Nhill we discovered that we had lost our bike rack number plate complete with mounting bar and mounting rubbers. I hadn't fixed the retaining straps properly obviously.

I was able to purchase new mounting rubbers from a Thule dealer in Adelaide and fashioned a temp number plate.

We returned to Bendigo on Wednesday and were planning to order a new bike number plate and make a new mounting bar.

Imagine our surprise when we went to our PO Box on Friday to be faced with a parcel from Vicroads-Horsham containing our complete mounting bar, rubbers and bike number plate!

A big thumbs up to the kind people at Vicroads for posting this out to us, at some cost to them, and to the kind people who found this and handed it in.