I have an old muffle furnace I'm attempting to resurrect.
I scored this thing 8 years ago and have had have had no room to fit it into my shed.
Attempts to convince SWMBO to let me install it on the back veranda came quickly to a stalemate - the main thing being the cost of installing a 20A circuit t power this thingy. I can do what I like in the shed but SWMBO wants me to use a sparky for electrics in the house.
So it has sat on the back veranda for 8 years but recently I sold my gas powered forge so there is finally room for it in my shed.


The furnace has a base of about 500 mm square and is about 75 mm tall. I would like to mount it on a movable bench/trolley so I can tuck it put of the way when not in use. My guess is it weighs about 60kg? I'd like to have the base of the kiln about 900 mm above the floor so I don't have to bend over too far to see inside and so I can use an optical pyrometer to calibrate temperatures. (I also have a set of sturdy wheels from a an old hospital gurney that I can use)

To make the trolley, rather than buying more steel, I'm trying to use stuff from my stash and have several lengths of 30x30x5 mm and several more of 25x25x5 mm SS that could be used. The trolley would be about 900 mm high and 500 mm wide, by 650 mm deep to allow for some workspace in front of the front door.

If I used some suitably placed braces do you think a frame made out of that size SS would be too light for this project?
I realise using SS is bit of a waste but I can't think of anything else I will use it for, and at least I would not have to pant it.

To power the thing I have installed a 20A line/breaker/outlet in the shed. This required me to upgrade the shed breaker board which was full with 6 breakers and now has a 12 breaker box with 8 breakers.
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