I want to thread 3-4mm copper wire into a copper sleeve. Would anyone know how to get it done?

Explaination below:

Believe it or not I am attempting to make a tricycle out of Coastal Tea Tree
(Leptospermum laevigatum), it grows along the foreshore here and when a storm and hightide combine it gets dragged to the shore where it gets scoured by the sea and sand making for some great material to work with. I have made each wheel by forming a circle with segments from curved bits (tea tree roots) that more or less follow the circumference. The big wheels segments but-up at an angle of 72 degrees ( 5 segs.) and the smaller 2 at 90 degrees (4 segs.), they are joined by 4mm copper wire that was inserted into a hole drilled into the ends of each segment. After the "dry run" make up I was surprised how strong the wheel was, exceeding expectations and giving some confidence to proceed.

This is the crucial bit. Now for the spokes, hub and axels.

I have made the hubs by cutting out wedges from curved bits, joining like above and gluing with epoxy. The hubs are good and strong, so far so good. I reckon I've got the axel bit worked out but the spokes will rely on how well I can fit them from rim to hub.