We have had a 6x3 gable roof carport supplied and erected by a large company (probably not able to name names) and we are pretty unhappy with the structure. It is out of square and there is a post that is out of level. The site supervisor agreed it was out of sqaure - he says by 40mm - but that this is acceptable. He claims that if the level indicator is within the lines (and he says it is according to his inspection) then that too is acceptable. I have attached a photo of the level on the post we are unhappy with - clearly level indicator is out of the line. I'm wondering if it is possible to get my hands on building code/standards to check for myself what is 'acceptable'. I have googled Building Code Australia but you have to buy their book, and I wouldn't know where to start looking. If anyone can assist with any info it would be greatly appreciated.

Attached Thumbnails

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