Hi all,

Were hoping to get some advice, we want to extend our California Bungalow on a sloping block to utilise the space under the house to create a split level at rear. (Current under house rear level height is 1.9m). In order to do this, we need to remove existing back wall and footing and remove 2m of the side walls and those footings (double brick), we then need to remove enough soil to create new floor level and put in new slab and footings. Has anyone done this, or does anyone know the best way to go about this? How do you protect existing footings when you removing soil all around it.

BTW - The 2m of side walls to be removed are only holding tin roof, rest of house is tiled and none of the supporting walls will be removed.

Does anyone also know how much Structural Engineers charge for this kind of planning advice?



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