Hi Everyone,

Been using the forums for tips/hints for a while, never needed to post before, so be gentle if I do something wrong

So Want to remove a large L shaped wall that connects the Kitchen, lounge, dining areas, to open them up into a big open plan area.

I am looking for advice on what the best methods to achieve this are, I assume I am going to have to add another load bearing beam to span the area in question, I assume the Corner where the "L" in the wall is is the tricky part, but I dont really know.

I am probably not intending on doing the work myself, but I would like to be well informed so as to not get ripped off by a builder. I really only want to have them install whatever extra beams are required, then I will re-sheet the roof etc myself.

Anyways, below are some photos, they ar epretty self explanitory, beam locations in the roof are approximate, and help tips, help info is greatly appreciated. If anyone had any idea on cost also that would help.

Bits in red that I want to remove


In Roof 1

In Roof 2

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...