Has anyone had any experience with employing an architect that has developed a design that in no way reflects what was requested? We pre paid for a 'home renovation report' through the Archicentre in Perth. The architect came around fairly quickly and spent quite some time talking to us about our needs: he was very keen to try and get a 'solar passive' thing happening even though our house does not really face the right way for an extension to be angled towards the north. We said that while we were interested in maximising light/heat etc, we still wanted a new living area that extended out from the house. After several weeks of hearing nothing he has just got back to us proposing a separate outbuilding of bedrooms that does not increase our living area and effectively does not extend our existing (two bedroom) house. We also have a baby and a five year old: it is simply not practical to have our bedroom in a separate building! We are going back to Archicentre to complain but have effectively lost confidence in this particular architect. Does anyone have a similar story and what happened in your case?

Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...