My house is lowset (300mm - 700mm slope across) cement render over timber frame with stumps in middle and single brick base around the edges.

I am getting a few new stumps added between existing brick piers to address sagging bearer issues before I renovate my kitchen.

I was hoping to keep the house leveling localised to the kitchen area and have now decided it might be better to re-level the whole house. It has sunk unevenly by about 30mm with 50mm being the worst spot.

However I'm not sure what to do about lifting the bearers sitting on the brick wall. They are only 75mm x 75mm where as the main bearer sitting
on the stumps in the middle are about 120mm x 75mm.

The wall also has cracking bricks in places and one corner is falling away about 12mm due to drought. I'm tossing up whether to take out the brick wall at the front and side and put stumps in, but not sure whether the 75x75 bearers will take the load without the wall.

Will I need to knock out bricks from the wall to lift the bearers off them if I just want to pack them up?


should I go all the way and knock down the wall and put new stumps in at close distances to compensate for the smaller bearer on the permimeters?

thanks in advance.