When it comes to read the instructions, I am no exception. So, when I joined the forum a few months ago, I briefly looked at the "reputation" system, had a superficial cynical reaction like "gold stars for school kids" and promptly forgot about it.

A couple of days ago I stumbled on the page of my reputation, and felt humbled in seeing that a few people had shown their appreciation by giving me "gold stars" that I had totally ignored.

I am still not very appreciative of the system per se, but I feel obliged to put on record my gratitude for all the advice I have received in these pages.

The trigger has been the sanding rig shown by Vern (TTIT). I have copied it and am very happy with the results (pic1). With that, and the coffee/epoxy mix I learnt from Al (OGYT) and Joe Greiner I managed to produce the piece shown in pic 2. Many others have mentioned that and the CA in hairline cracks technique I have used, thanks to all.

The real difficulty is to pick a few from so wide an abundance of contributions, but I think I speak for many saying that SKEW and RSSER stand out without question.

To all the others that have helped me, sorry for not mentioning you by name, thank you all.

This said, I will keep trying to show my appreciation in my posts and ignoring the "reputation" system.

Always earnest Frank.