Hi All,

I've got a 12m2 shed made out of 2100mm high colourbond fencing panels, it may seem strange but they were free and it works quite well.

Only problem is that with heavy rain the bottom channels of the panels fill up and overflow into the shed - I fixed this on the front and sides by filling the channel with mortar, but I have no way to access the back of the shed as its pretty much right up against the back fence.

What I need is some sort of sealant that can go in with an almost water-like consistancy so it will flow through the channel and fill it up on both sides to dry nice and hard to stop any futher water damage. Anyone got any ideas?

[url=http://www.renovateforum.com/f83/sealing-shed-need-something-runny-89524/Read the full thread at RenovateForum.com...[/url]