Has anyone tried to create their own bi fold door setup using normal timber / glass doors?

I have seen in Bunnings you can buy some really nice timber / solid glass doors - usually used for back doors / laundry doors/ These are only $129 from memory. The ones that are always on an end display.

I was thinking of making my own bi fold door setup using these doors - maybe 3 or 4 doors wide. The only issue is getting all the other equipment required. Where can i get this from?

Does anyone know what parts are reuiqred?

I am comfortable in doing all the work myself.

Understanding the door is one size only - 820mm, but I can widen the opening by cutting the brickwork to make the setup fit.

This seems like a much cheaper option to the $3-$8k it costs to have them custome build and fitted.

Any thoughts?

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