Anybody out there had any experience with staining plywood?
I am just finishing an aquarium cabinet built from 4x2 framing with a sheathing of 12 mm ply.
Ply was described by Mr Ply&Wood as hardwood exterior,it has a very light pink colour like meranti,also I have put some meranti molding on the sides and front just to break up the plainness of the material ,with 1/2 splayed architrave top and bottom.
The finish I am looking for is a very light lustre something between a satin and matt,but am trying to stain so all the timber would be the same colour,I am worried that the meranti mold will turn out a deeper colour if I try to stain it with a very light colour stain as it is fairly open grained material so am looking for something that will give evenness of colour in stain.Qiuzzed the Wattyl mob they suggested a spirit stain.
Any suggestions would be gratefully recieved.