I think it's a case of Familliarity Breeds Contempt.
I haven't had my tablesaw long enough to lose my fear of it so an accident is not very likely. I think my heart rate doubles when I use it and I hope that is always the case.
The same can't be said for my router table. I used to be equally as nervous but now I'm so at ease with it I am tending to be a bit lax in my handling of it. Doing things like testing the cut of an ogee bit with a 10cm piece of pine. The bit ripped the pine out of my hand but just before it did that it pulled my fingers toward the blade. I felt the bit touch my finger but that was all.
It was a valuable lesson learned.
I think it would be a good idea if we could all get a picture of a hand that was mangled by a power tool and tape it to the wall above our SCMS, tablesaw and router table just to remind us what happens when we lose our respect for these dangerous tools.