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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld

    Talking link for Wild Dingo

    Hey Shane mate, it's a wonder you didn't have any greenies tying themselves to your trees! See:
    On the other hand your local council or tree lopping contractors might be a good source of more.


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Well thanks Mick that was an interesting journey into what didnt happen... sorry but all projects are hereby going ahead full steam with the subsequent bulldosing and mulching of Tuarts in full blast mode.

    The site of the new bus station has been cleared and totally devioded of all fauna of all discriptions a denuded tract of land... some of those trees were hundreds of years if not many thousands of years old and blam dozered to the deck grrrrrrr and chainsawed into logs bbbbrrrrrrrr hacked into mulch... the end.

    Not a bloody bopeep out of any of the so called "greenie" mobs.

    The men of the trees got their trailer but did buggar all about the big old growth... whimps!

    The minister of cut and burn is still doing her thing and nancy boy Templeton is still prancing his fairy way around the theatre boards and takeing every and any photo or journo opportunity he can! flamin turkey that fella!

    Tuart Response group got no response and is a total non event.

    God knows whats happened to the Orchid but if its on any site in this area you can guarentee the developers have destroyed it totally in their rip rip woodchip mentality that the council and government supports!

    The driving range now exists... the Tuarts dont.

    Nothing has happened with the so called Arbortorium since that edition of the Coastal Times in August 2002

    I laughed at the comment in that paper when it came out "water found to be critical to Tuarts... well flamin DUHHHH dipweed!!

    I must admit I loved the story of replanting the Tuarts... now that was good eh? drop and mulch thousands of years of old growth Tuart trees and plant a seedling... wonderful sparkie!

    Who ended up with the $30,000 for the research is anyones guess as far as I can find out that money never existed except in a few peoples politically impressed minds...

    As I say with all the development of the whole Peel area over the last 5 - 10 years particularily the last 5 its a wonder there is a single Tuart left standing... the next 5 years will tell what happens to the remainder as the developers move south of Dawesville channel and on to Lake Clifton and Madora

    A few quick changes and John Williamson could well be singing about the Peel region... "rip rip woodchip buggar the Tuart grand old trees proudly stand rip rip woodchip give it another year or two and nothin will be around nice house big house lovely little canals wont it be a pleasure to be here rip rip woodchip flamin ignorant council fools one and all"

    So me dropping my few trees that were only some hundreds of years old and about 70 or so metres high and metre and half wide compared to these rapists is nothing... nothing at all conpared to the dropping of trees 3 and 4 ft across then bloody mulching the things!! at least I will use them for a boat and furniture... sorry but these development bludgers and the inept mongrels who call themselves greenies with their inflated egos and politising and posing around really do iritate the blazes out of me!!

    Did I rant then? :eek: ah well felt good to have a bit of a blast! Thanks for the opportunity Mick!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld


    Mate, glad to give you the opportunity to get that off your chest.


  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    kingscliff qld


    From the visits I have had to Mandurah,it seems the same thing is happening as happened to the Gold Coast of Qld.
    There was a good program on 4 corners last week on what is happening up there,pro development Mayor now in office in Tweed,the white shoe brigade moves in,so now there will be a continous strip of housing development from Kingscliff to Pottsville,mind you a hundred metre buffer zone between houses and beach,with three storey limit on building softened it somewhat.
    They have raped and pillaged the Gold Coast so there is now virtually no land left so they are moving on down the coast.
    Aint progress grand!
    You walk along the beaches of the Gold Coast at night,and virtually every block of units has the odd light on at most five or six, so where are all the people?

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Port Douglas, QLD, Aust


    Hey Coastie

    Donna you worry mate ... a few of your mob saw the northern light and came north and well and truly buggered up Port Douglas over the last 10 years. Only thing we haven't got is high rise .... and if it weren't such a small community ... and the Douglas Shire Mayor wasn't so scared of getting decked in the pub at night ... we'd have that to.

    Here's an intersting one. The council put a stop to rural residential subdivision a few years ago. There were a few struggling cane farmers up here who'd cottoned onto the idea of splitting a bit off the back of their farms and selling them off as 2 or so acre blocks ... pretty much all of it is coastal range basement and borders onto crown land. Mostlty treed too. Council decided that that sort of development was just too risky for the envirnoment and could lead to much bigger things ... can just see it now ... the Great Divide Estate. Anyway, no more. However, to make up for it, they pass and allow every large scale in-town Port Douglas developement that comes their way. I mean to say ... what could be better than turning off the Main Highway for your romantic holiday in the famous playground of the Get Rich Quick and Famous, than being confronted with an IGA Supermarket as your first view. Yep ... first impressions linger and usually work out to be true.

    Developer dollars rule. AhMen.


  7. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld


    Hey Bob, have you been up the hill to "Kurandaland" lately? The council is spending another huge whack of dollars "beautifying" the main street with "streetscaping"! Out on the highway a local wit has added "is a" after "Kuranda" on the "Kuranda turn off" sign. The place is absolutely disgusting now, (I know, I know, it has been for years, but they've manged to make it even worse.) And meantime the local kids are crying out for some facilities like basketball courts or a pool and instead we get fancy paving. They wonder why we have a "youth problem"?
    Politicians and developers, we should send them all somewhere where their talents might be more appreciated like Iraq!


  8. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Port Douglas, QLD, Aust



    An' I though I was the only dummie sitting in front of the computer on a Friday night. Actually ... it's only about Wednesday for me. Sunday's pay-day. Monday's Saturday. And Tuesdays are for dreaming up some sort of a plan for what to try and finish for the next cycle. Still waaay better than having a real job though.

    Haven't been to Kuranda in yonks. But, then again, I only went down to Cairns I think 3 or 4 times last year. Haven't been there this year yet. I manage to get away with Mossman and Mareeba ... and get stuff sent up on Molloy Transport from Cairns when needed. Oh, and mail-order from all those other places that have all sorts of things we never get to see up here. Actually was just rumaging around cyberspace ingesting info about White/blonde Shellac ...

    Tried shellac years ago - the orange stuff. Way before the gear associated with the parent website here. Got put off for a number of reasons. Had another go last year some time - bought a kg of flakes / used .0001 gms of the stuff and shelved it again. Big plastic bottle going CHEAP!!

    Now, just tinkering with ordering some of the U-beaut stuff as a trial, but in the white de-waxed variety. Bought Neal's book last year - most of it was stuff I knew ... and use ... or have forgotten ... or just don't wanta know, but have gleaned a couple of real gems from it that made the purchase price more than worth it. Anyway, that's where I'm at presently.

    Am playing around with rubbed nitro lacquer finishes at present. tricky, but really hard and durable. The aim is to achieve a non-yellow finish that's at least as good as what I currently produce with another product. The big thing keeping me away from white shellac right now is exactly why I'm looking it up. I can't walk in anywhere and buy it off the damn shelf. Oh well ....

    Yeah, I heard the powers to be were trying to turn Kuranda into some sort of Noosa Heights. Another market person from Port (Graeme Bannister) from Kuranda and Millaa Millaa (now), tells me that his stalls at the Kuranda market have really suffered over the last year or so. Seems that the place is getting a bit old hat and the tourists are just finding too much else to do.

    No, Iraq's full!! Every international pollie worth his salt is trying to get some vote-grabbing mileage out of that place. No, send 'em all to Christmas Island. A week in the casino there should rattle the last few roubles out of their pockets ... and then cut the rope and let 'em all go.

    I saw a good one in the Mareeba paper this week. Mick Borzi donated almost $500 to some youth action group to purchase a meeting table. They're going to buy a suitable one ... or have one made. You'd reckon a couple hundred at Super A-mart should do the trick with a bit left over for the first session of the new table. he he he. Ain't politics grand?

    OK ... I've got google wandering the globe spittng blond shellac stuff back at me ... so I better go pay attention. One little gem I discovered earlier though is that one form of tripoli powder is diatomaceous earth - the stuff that goes in swimming pool filters.



  9. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    kingscliff qld

    Thumbs down

    Dont know how those poor bloody cane farmers exist,given the depressed price of sugar world wide,perhaps they can be like the yanks and put in for a subsidy.($300 billion paid out last year for farm subsidies)
    I have a brother in law on a dairy farm near Taree,only getting 19c a litre for producing milk!
    What a joke ,we import orange juice and every other sort of produce while our poor farmers bulldoze their trees!
    Its a great country!
    About time we gave it back to the indigenous(to be politically correct) people again!

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Port Douglas, QLD, Aust


    or how would you like to be a tobacco farmer?? mareeba's main claim to fame was tobacco - whether you agree with smoking or not. There are only a dozen or so farmers left there now because most have been squeezed out - oh, and most of those that got squeezed, turned over to cane - then the major buyer of leaf announced a few months ago that it will no longer be buying leaf from North Queensland from I think this year. That's a bit like having a family servo for 50 years and then the government came along and moved the road 10 miles east ... as they do!!!

    But then again, I believe that out of 10 or 12 dollars for a packet of smokes - or whatever it is - the farmer gets around 80 cents at present ... or thereabouts. Now that's the sort of stuff people can retire on!!! Well ... someone in the chain ... not the farmers. They're all going to be on the dole next year. I live on an old tobacco farm, so have picked up a few of the goings on from the owner.

    Yep ... is a great country. Mind you, we could give it back and then all move over to NZ. There's bugger all lights on over there at night these days.

    OK another day. Better get off this thing and go do some work. Gotta keep the wheels turning. Don't want to fall behind in my payments to keep government overburden in their velour seats.



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