·Paddy takes 17 friends to the movies and pays for them. When asked why he did it he said,>>
the sign said only 18 or over.>>
·Some fellows were talking about their next overseas flight and they agreed that they would be worried if the pilot was a woman. One of them said, don’t worry, it’s not as if she needs to reverse the bloody thing!>>
·Paddy was at the ATM and a little old lady asked if he could check her balance for her. He pushed her over!>>
·Murphy says to Paddy, ‘ What ya talkin’ into that envelope for?’ Paddy replies,
I'm gonna try sending voice mail.

And my favourite:>>
My neighbor knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning. Can you believe, 2:30am? Luckily for him I was still up – playing me bagpipes!

