As many of you'd be aware from other posts, I'm stripping off plasterboard to wrap and insulate brick veneer construction walls in a 70s house.

Foumd a bit of ex-whiteant activity, but that's another story.

This question is about the required spacing of brick ties. There are a helluva lot of them in the brickwork, but not that many actually connected to the timber framing .... very odd. As I'm doing the slide-foilwrap-into-gaps game, fewer brick ties mean less cutting, tearing and swearing. And my 11 year-old assistant knows too many of those words as it is already!

So what governs whether or not I can cut away or attach these currently unattached ties? The external wall is single story, engaged piers supporting the floor, end brick wall is triangular, and very few attached ties up high.


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