Hi there,

I'm new to this site so would like to say g'day! I look forward to checking things out more.

I'm building a pole frame house, with floor-to-ceiling window frames of dressed recycled hardwood along one wall, recessed directly into the poles (see pics). All the timber is eucalyptus, with the poles mainly red and yellow stringy bark.

I'm learning on the job, hoping I've got things pretty much OK. I'd really appreciate any advice anyone could give me on whether this whole idea (window frames set straight into poles) might be problematic or not. The structure is braced and stable and I plan a 3-4 mm gap all round between glass and frames, the glass secured with silicon and external hardwood fillets.

I'd really like some advice about oil finishes too - I was planning to leave it all unpainted to show up the natural colours of the hardwood. The poles have their sapwood still outside and lap up a lot of oil. I've been using Cabots natural decking oil, which doesn't specify on the tin what kind of oil it actually is. Should I use linseed or tung oil or something in preference to the decking oil, on the dressed hardwood frames?

Thanks for any help!
Cheers, Josh.

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